Busy Bees Pre-School

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About Busy Bees Pre-School

Name Busy Bees Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Pannal Green, Pannal, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 1LH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthYorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and enjoy spending time in this warm, welcoming setting. New children settle quickly and soon become familiar with their surroundings. Staff are attentive to children's needs.

Children show they feel comfortable with the staff. For example, they climb onto staff members' knees during play, and seek out staff for cuddles.Children develop their independence skills well.

They learn to put on their own coats and wash their hands before meals and snacks. Children behave well in the setting. They are free to make choices throughout the day.

For example, they can choose when they want to have snack... and can freely access the outdoor area. Staff have high expectations for all children. They complete regular assessments to help minimise any gaps in learning.

As a result, children make good progress.During the COVID-19 pandemic the manager ensured they remained in touch with parents. They sent activity packs home for children who were unable to attend.

The setting has good links to the local community. For example, they supplied Christmas decorations made by the children to a local shop for a display. This gives children a sense of pride when they see their work displayed.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff get to know their key children well and plan activities which they know will interest them. Staff carefully plan to ensure that children benefit from new experiences, such as being able to use scissors, or visiting local parks for the first time. The manager has a good understanding of local referral processes.

This means families and children can get additional support where necessary.The development of children's mathematical skills is embedded effectively at every opportunity. For example, children count the number of children on the carpet during registration.

The concept of is then re-enforced by counting out the same number of claps. Older children are supported to write the number of those present on a whiteboard. They all enjoy singing a range of counting songs, and mathematical language is modelled within their play.

This supports children's early mathematical understanding.The manager ensures additional funding is used effectively to support children further. For example, children take part in a range of activities provided by external companies, such as yoga and rugby.

Additional funding means all children are able to take part.Children's behaviour is good. They remain engaged in activities for long periods of time.

Children are well supported to learn to share and take turns, for example by using a sand timer when playing with resources; however, staff do not apply this strategy consistently. At times, they do not give clear instructions and, as a result, children do not always know and understand what is expected of them.Children enjoy a range of activities inside and outside.

They have access to a woodland area and the school playground. The outdoor area is equipped with large play equipment for children to practice their gross motor skills. Children enjoy standing on musical mats to create a tune.

Parents are happy with the education and care which is being provided. Other parents recommend the setting. Parents are kept up to date with what their child has been doing on a day-to-day basis via an online app.

Staff gather information from parents when children first start, which allows staff to get to know the children, and they settle quickly.Staff offer guidance to parents on portion sizes and healthy diets. Children bring their own lunches, and staff ensure these are healthy and balanced.

Children are provided a range of healthy food for snack, which on occasion they attempt to cut themselves. This supports the development of their independence skills.The manager has a clear focus for the setting and has plans in place for how the provision can be improved.

Staff report high levels of well-being and feel supported. Those less experienced and qualified are well supported and allocated a mentor. Staff are able to access online training relevant to their individual roles.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are aware of signs and symptoms which suggest a child is at risk of harm or abuse. They are able to answer a range of scenario-based questions relating to safeguarding.

The manager has good knowledge of safer recruitment practices to ensure suitable people are employed by the pre-school. The manager has a good understanding of their responsibility around safeguarding and referral processes, and ensures that those in charge in her absence have completed relevant designated safeguarding lead training. Staff complete regular safeguarding training.

However, in some cases, staff's understanding of, and confidence to talk about wider safeguarding issues, such as female genital mutilation and 'Prevent' duty, is not fully developed. Similarly to this, plans for staff's continued professional development in this regard are not yet fully developed.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nensure strategies used to manage children's behaviour are applied consistently, so that children understand what is expected of them further develop plans for staff's professional development to embed a deeper understanding of wider safeguarding issues.

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