Dimension Childcare

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About Dimension Childcare

Name Dimension Childcare
Ofsted Inspections
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

The provision is good • Staff show a strong commitment to development and improvement, and make changes that have a positive impact on children's experiences. For example, by developing even further the outdoor play areas.

• Management has made good use of additional funding to improve learning for children. For example, staff have accessed training to support children's communication and language skills in readiness for school. • Staff plan and provide a good variety of purposeful activities and experiences that children enjoy.

Children make good progress in their overall development from their starting points. • Staff are good role models to children. Children are poli...te, kind and show consideration to others.

Staff completely value children as individuals, developing a culture of safety and mutual respect. • Partnerships with parents are strong. Staff share a wealth of information with parents to support children's care and development.

Parents welcome the opportunity to attend a variety of events to discuss their children's ongoing development. It is not yet outstanding because: • On occasion, key persons are not ready to greet children, allowing some daily routines to take priority. Therefore, they are not always available to help children settle and become familiar with the setting • At times, some staff do not use their good teaching skills effectively to challenge children and extend their chosen play and learning even further.

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