Little Owl Childcare Limited

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About Little Owl Childcare Limited

Name Little Owl Childcare Limited
Ofsted Inspections
Address Highfields Primary School, Elder Lane, BURNTWOOD, Staffordshire, WS7 9BT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Staffordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

The friendly and caring staff greet children warmly as they arrive at this outstanding nursery. Children happily separate from their parents and excitedly greet their friends and give each other cuddles.

Children benefit from a captivating range of learning experiences. All children thrive at this nursery and make the best possible progress in their learning. Children demonstrate exceptional independence skills.

For example, they have lots of fun baking cakes. They carefully follow the recipe, measure out their own ingredients and crack the eggs into the bowl. Children demonstrate exemplary behaviour and excelle...nt social skills.

They are kind and respectful to one another and take turns to use the resources. Children have superb opportunities to explore and develop their physical skills in the inspiring outside play area. They benefit from a broad range of stimulating resources that cover all areas of learning.

Children develop their problem-solving skills and confidently assess and learn to manage their own risks. For example, they safely use real tools and have lots of fun searching through a range of wooden planks, crates and pipes to make structures and test out their ideas. Staff support, praise and encourage children's efforts.

As a result, children are confident, self-assured and demonstrate excellent attitudes to learning.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The management team and staff are enthusiastic about providing an environment that offers rich and enjoyable learning opportunities. They use a range of natural resources to create an environment that ignites children's curiosity and imagination.

The peaceful atmosphere in the nursery creates a sense of calm and focus. Children remain engaged in their chosen activity for long periods. For example, they use their imagination and concentrate on modelling a birthday cake out of dough and other materials.

They proudly show off what they have made and pretend to blow out the candles.The nursery has an unhurried atmosphere where children are given the time and freedom to explore and learn through their play. Staff engage children in high-quality interactions that support their communication and language skills.

They value what children say and skilfully extend conversations and activities to extend children's learning and development even further. Children are articulate talkers and clearly express their ideas and opinions.Children display exceptionally good levels of listening and attention during group activities, such as circle time.

Children display a love of books and singing. Staff help stories come to life through their enthusiastic storytelling. Children become captivated and excitedly join in with answering questions and making predictions.

Children have numerous opportunities to explore mark making and develop their early writing skills. They become engrossed in painting pictures and eagerly tell the staff all about their artwork. Children skilfully use scissors and tape dispensers to create colourful collages.

They tidy away the resources when they have finished playing, without a reminder, and follow the well-established routines of the nursery.The management team and staff establish highly successful parent partnerships from the outset. For example, staff complete initial home visits and get to know children and their families well.

Parents are invited to regular stay-and-play sessions and discuss their child's progress with their key person. Staff provide numerous ways for parents to be actively involved in their child's learning. They invite parents to add their own observations to the nursery's 'achievement tree' and choose from a range of learning bags and books from the lending library.

Parents' comments are overwhelmingly positive and they say that their children have come on 'in leaps and bounds'.Staff are supported superbly well by the management team to continue to enhance their skills. Staff cascade their knowledge to their colleagues and hold regular reflective staff meetings so that the high-quality provision remains.

The management team has developed excellent links with the adjoining school and helps to prepare children for their next stage in their learning. For example, children confidently join the school on a daily basis to have their dinner and chat with the teachers. Staff work extremely closely with the teachers to ensure they prepare children with the skills they need to flourish at school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The management team and staff have an excellent understanding of any signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk of abuse or neglect. They have a robust knowledge of wider safeguarding concerns, including radicalisation and extremism.

The management team and staff have a comprehensive knowledge of safeguarding procedures and protocols. They know the action to take if they have concerns about a child's welfare. The environment is safe and secure.

Risk assessments both indoors and outdoors are conducted daily. All staff and the management team are trained in paediatric first aid. Recruitment procedures are highly robust to ensure staff's suitability to work with children.

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