Manorbrook Out of School Club

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About Manorbrook Out of School Club

Name Manorbrook Out of School Club
Address Park Road, Thornbury, Bristol, BS35 1JW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority SouthGloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children eagerly look forward to joining the after-school club once their regular school day ends. All children, including those children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), arrive happily accompanied by the play leaders and engage in activities that appeal to them.

Children are familiar with the routines. Younger children or first-time attendees receive additional support and guidance from the staff. Children have access to a diverse range of resources and participate in a variety of activities that the staff tailor according to their interests.

The staff members establish strong bonds with the chil...dren, playing alongside them and providing an environment where children feel safe and secure. Children, regardless of their age, exhibit positive behaviour and are respectful towards one another. The staff members act as positive role models for the children, actively listening to them and promoting turn taking during activities.

Children receive lots of praise and encouragement for their achievements. Children collaborate in small groups, working together to construct models using building blocks. They also share materials at the arts and crafts table, expressing their creativity.

Parents are positive about the club. They comment on how much their children enjoy the various activities and how the staff members cater to the unique needs of each child, especially those with SEND.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children have excellent communication skills.

They are sociable and confident and build close friendships with each other. Children demonstrate their ability to interact with unfamiliar individuals too. For example, they eagerly share their preferred activities at the club with the inspector and take pride in their accomplishments and creations, confidently discussing them with others.

The manager and staff actively promote a healthy lifestyle for children, with a focus on nutrition. They provide children with a variety of healthy snack options, such as wraps, which they enjoy. During snack time, staff members encourage children to be independent by enabling them to choose their own snacks and prepare their food, including adding fruit and vegetable sticks that are available.

Additionally, the staff members foster good hygiene practices by expecting children to use the toilet on their own and wash their hands after doing so.The manager and staff provide excellent support for children with SEND. They work together with teachers from the school, parents and other professionals to ensure that children have the support they need.

They make specific arrangements in the playroom to ensure that the equipment and environment caters to the individual needs of each child.The manager and staff members are all part of the school community and work at the school during the day. This familiarity with the children and their families allows for a strong sense of continuity in their care and learning.

The manager and staff members have introduced a rolling snack routine, where children take turns preparing and enjoying their snack according to their year group. This practice emphasises the significance of taking turns and helps children develop important skills, such as sharing and consideration for others.Children have access to play opportunities, both indoors and outdoors, allowing for a diverse range of experiences.

They participate in group games involving music and movement, learning the importance of adhering to game rules. Additionally, they engage in physical play in the outdoor play area almost every day, with play leaders bringing resources for the children to utilise and play with.The manager regularly reflects on the services provided to children and their families, gathering feedback from staff, parents and children to evaluate the effectiveness of the club.

The manager collaborates with the team to identify areas for improvement and training to enhance their practice. Additionally, she maintains frequent communication with the trustees, who participate in staff meetings to better understand any issues concerning the club.Staff members comment they receive support in their roles and are happy.

They feel comfortable communicating with the manager, and teamwork among them is exceptional.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff members have a good understanding of their responsibility to safeguard children.

They are aware of the signs that could indicate a child is at risk of harm and the procedure to follow to report any concerns. To ensure the safety of children, the manager and trustees have implemented a secure recruitment process that guarantees the suitability of new staff. Furthermore, they frequently evaluate the environments in which children are present to identify any potential hazards and make the necessary adjustments to maintain safety.

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