S4K Camp - Coppetts Wood

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About S4K Camp - Coppetts Wood

Name S4K Camp - Coppetts Wood
Address School House, Coppetts Road, London, N10 1JS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Barnet
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff enthusiastically welcome children to the club.

Children happily settle into one of the activities on offer, greeting their friends with joy. Staff have built strong relationships with all children, helping children to feel safe and secure. Staff are warm, caring and approachable, creating a fun environment.

Staff plan enjoyable activities, giving children a large range of opportunities to enjoy fresh air and exercise.Staff carefully explain the timetable of the day and children enjoy following the routines. Staff offer children opportunities to be independent as they decide on the activities they would like to play w...ith that day.

Staff are good role models for positive behaviour. They offer praise and encouragement as children play with each other. Children behave very well.

Older and younger children play nicely together; they are calm, kind and polite towards one another.Staff are professional and dedicated to providing high-quality care for all children. For example, staff take time planning a timetable that takes children's interests into account.

Children enjoy activities such as construction, craft activities, football and rugby. Children are able to build on and develop a range of skills, as well as being able to make choices in their play.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff support children to develop positive relationships.

Older children offer support to their younger peers. For example, they help and guide younger children through group activities by holding their hands as they play or explaining the rules to them again. This helps to create a positive environment for all children.

Staff are highly trained and knowledgeable. For example, they adapt activities accordingly for all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities by giving one-to-one support. This ensures that staff are able to use their knowledge and understanding of children to maintain an inclusive environment.

Staff skilfully support the younger children in the setting well. For example, they provide quieter play opportunities if children are feeling overwhelmed or tired. This supports younger children's emotional well-being.

Staff provide clear routines for children to follow. For example, during a 'morning briefing', staff remind children of the club rules and explain the activities on offer. This helps children to build their independence and feel secure as they know what to expect that day.

This means that children have a positive attitude to their learning, behave well and stay focused for extended periods of time.Staff ensure that children have access to a large range of activities indoors and outdoors, such as ball sports and a colouring station. This provides children with a balanced range of activities and experiences.

This helps children to gain new skills in a meaningful way.Staff help children to build on their physical skills. For example, when playing number football, children learn to skilfully manoeuvre the ball into a goal.

This helps children to build strength in their muscles as they run and kick. Furthermore, children learn essential sharing and social skills through these activities, as they have to pass the ball to their teammates.Staff regularly ask children to share their opinions on the club.

For example, children are invited to complete a child feedback form. This helps children to make positive choices and feel that their opinions are valued.Managers have worked hard to create a positive working environment for all staff.

Staff regularly partake in supervisions and ongoing training. Staff are able to build on their skills and use this knowledge in their professional practice. For example, they have attended training on behaviour management.

This has supported staff to build positive relationships with the children in their care.Staff support positive interactions between all children. For example, when conflicts arise, children are encouraged to find solutions independently by sharing or taking turns.

This helps children to learn essential and valuable skills for the future.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children'sinterests first.

Also at this postcode
LBL Coppetts Wood Coppetts Wood Primary School

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