Schools Out Club Belleville

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About Schools Out Club Belleville

Name Schools Out Club Belleville
Address Belleville School, Belleville Road, London, SW11 6PR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wandsworth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children show that they feel happy and at ease in this welcoming club. Younger children are safely collected from their classrooms by familiar staff, which helps them to feel secure.

On arrival they quickly become engaged in play and conversations about their day at school. Staff listen carefully and chat sensitively to children who need reassurance or encouragement to join in. Therefore, children become confident to explore and make choices about their play.

They understand the staff's high expectations and interact positively with others.Children can be active or relax after a busy school day. For instance, they sit quie...tly to read a book, engage in lively role-play games or head outside to the playground to enjoy vigorous play.

On the day of the inspection, children particularly enjoyed making play dough with staff. This provided opportunities for them to practise counting and measuring, as they added various ingredients. They used the play dough to enhance their imaginative play as they created a pretend bakery, selling different flavours of biscuits and cannoli.

Children say they really enjoy coming to the club and enthusiastically list their favourite activities. They say that they love playing with their friends and have lots of fun.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff report that they are well supported by leaders and enjoy working at the club.

They share ideas and plan together in regular team meetings. This helps to ensure that they know the children attending and understand their daily roles and responsibilities. Staff say that they receive regular training.

They describe how this enhances their understanding of important issues, such as safeguarding and equality.Leaders and staff have developed strong working relationships with the host school. They share key information and find out about the things children are learning.

This helps staff to support children's welfare and provide appropriate activities.Staff show a genuine interest in promoting children's play and well-being. They are consistently engaged with the children and offer lots of support and encouragement.

This helps children to feel confident to join in and have a go at activities. Staff understand how children learn and support their development well. For example, they set children challenges and ask thought-provoking questions, to help promote their problem-solving skills.

Staff create a relaxed atmosphere. They spend time chatting to children and supporting their play. Staff get to know the children well and plan the activities around their likes and interests.

They involve children in making decisions, such as what foods to include in their menus. Therefore, children develop a sense of belonging and ownership within the club.Children display positive attitudes towards their play and learning.

They show independence as they choose from the resources and are keen to take part in activities led by staff. Children demonstrate that they can concentrate for long periods as they read books or complete jigsaw puzzles. They are imaginative and confidently express their ideas through their artwork and role play.

Staff ensure that children wash their hands at appropriate times, to promote good hygiene. They provide fresh fruit and vegetables with each meal and encourage children to make healthy choices. Staff ensure that children have daily play and exercise outdoors in the school playgrounds.

This helps to support children's physical health and well-being.Children are consistently well behaved. They listen to staff and follow the club routines.

Children show friendly behaviour towards others and play together cooperatively. For example, children negotiate rules and play fairly during a game of football. They encourage each other and are pleased when their friends do well.

Parents like the convenience of having a club in the school and feel the children are safe and well looked after. They comment that their children enjoy attending and talk happily to them about the staff and activities. However, some parents would like more detailed and frequent information about the club activities and the food provided for children.

They would also like more opportunities to share their views on the provision. Leaders say they plan to improve their communication with parents by introducing an online app, to help exchange information more effectively.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The manager understands his responsibilities in relation to safeguarding children. There are robust systems in place, to help ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. Staff receive regular training to refresh and update their safeguarding knowledge.

They are familiar with the signs of child abuse and understand the procedures to follow, should they have concerns about a child's welfare. Staff assess risks and follow effective procedures to help keep children safe at the club. For example, a member of staff is allocated to oversee children's departures, to ensure that they only leave with an authorised adult.

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