Highfield Primary School

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About Highfield Primary School

Name Highfield Primary School
Website http://www.highfield-primary.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Jonathan Feeley
Address Sandringham Green, Leeds, LS17 8DJ
Phone Number 01132930155
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 417
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school has developed an inclusive, caring and nurturing ethos, which is exceptional. Pupils love learning.

They are eager and excited to share what they know and can do. This starts as soon as they enter the vibrant early years environment. There are no limits placed on their learning.

This is because staff have the highest ambition for every pupil. Pupils leave the school well equipped for the challenges of secondary education.

Pupils respond well to the high expectations of behaviour staff expect, both in the classroom and around the school.

They play happily together at social times. Pupils say bullying rarely happens, but they know if it does..., adults will help them. Pupils feel safe.

Pupils are opposed to any form of discrimination and they know why it is important to challenge prejudice.

The school is proud of its work with pupils beyond the academic, and rightly so. Meaningful experiences are strategically woven into the curriculum.

These include ballet workshops, visits to museums and inspirational visitors to speak to pupils. The school makes sure that disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) never miss out. All of this work contributes to an inclusive and aspirational experience for all.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Starting in the early years, the school has embedded a knowledge-rich curriculum, which is progressive year on year. To build on firm foundations, teachers use many opportunities to revisit prior content before they move on to something more challenging. Over time, pupils build an impressive body of knowledge across various subjects.

The school promotes a love of reading. Reading underpins the whole curriculum. Pupils who are assigned the role of reading ambassadors instil a love of reading through their book recommendations.

Staff have thoughtfully chosen books to build pupils' vocabulary and unlock doors into wider learning and the world. In lessons, pupils skilfully explore and analyse a wide range of texts. Teachers expertly use their questioning skills to deepen and check pupils' understanding.

By the end of Year 6, pupils are confident readers and achieve highly.

The school's approach to phonics is rigorous. In key stage 1, pupils secure the phonics knowledge they need to be successful readers.

If they fall behind, staff act quickly to give them extra support. Staff have all been trained, so they teach phonics consistently. This helps to ensure that the teaching of phonics is effective, resulting in outcomes above the national average.

Pupils with SEND achieve extremely well. These pupils learn the same knowledge-rich curriculum. This is because there is careful consideration of where individual pupils may need extra help and what this should look like.

Skilled staff run pre-teaching sessions, which help pupils to learn and be ready to learn more.

Children thrive when they join the school in early years. Many speak English as an additional language.

Well-trained staff focus sharply on developing children's communication and language. They extend children's vocabulary and introduce new words at every opportunity. Adults are supportive and help children to develop routines.

There are many activities, which appeal to children's interests. For example, children created annotated maps relating to a recent visit. The school works closely with parents and carers, providing many opportunities for them to play alongside their children.

In addition, parents attend workshops which help them to support their children's learning.

Relationships between staff and pupils are exceptionally strong and based on mutual respect. Routines for excellent behaviour start early and continue as pupils move up the school.

Adults model the standards they expect from pupils. Pupils strive to meet these. They are attentive and enthusiastic in lessons.

Pupils attend well. They want to attend because their learning and other opportunities in school excite them.

The school's work to broaden pupils' talents and interests is excellent.

For example, pupils try new sports, have the opportunity to join a choir and take part in drama productions. By contributing to the local community, pupils make a tangible difference to the lives of others. Pupils visit different places of worship to develop a thorough understanding of different religious beliefs and cultural communities.

They talk confidently about how the law protects people with different characteristics. The school ensures that pupils grow into active and responsible citizens. Pupils are very proud of their roles in school, which include reading ambassadors and peer mediators.

Supported by a highly skilled governing body, the headteacher leads the school extremely well, resolute in his pursuit of excellence. Parents are typically lavish in their praise for the school. Referring to the headteacher's leadership, the adjective 'exceptional' was referenced in several responses.

The staff are a cohesive team and are proud to work here. They feel very well supported with their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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