Newnham Junior School

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About Newnham Junior School

Name Newnham Junior School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Neil Wilkey
Address Newnham Avenue, Ruislip, HA4 9RW
Phone Number 02037456216
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 357
Local Authority Hillingdon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school provides a strong and vibrant education. Pupils excel in their learning.

This is because the school has high academic ambitions for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The school lives by its motto 'non progredi est regredi' which means 'to not go forwards is to go backwards.'

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

They are highly motivated and show respect and kindness to adults and each other. The school's key values of resilience, respect, resourcefulness, responsibility and reflection develop a sense of community and empathy. The school encourages pupils to see challenges and setbacks as opportunitie...s for improvement.

The school provides pupils with a wide range of valuable experiences and opportunities to develop their character and confidence and broaden their knowledge. Pupils attend science workshops, take parents and carers on a tour of their history work, and take part in a daily diet of clubs and events. One pupil's comment, typical of many, was to describe the school as 'exciting' and 'surprising' as each day brings a new adventure.

Pupils are happy and safe at this school. The school works closely with parents and families, creating a warm and friendly atmosphere. Pupils attend the school well.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils follow a rich and ambitious curriculum. The school has identified the knowledge and skills pupils need to learn and remember. This is logically sequenced so that pupils practise and build a depth of knowledge and understanding.

Teachers think carefully about what is learned and when, and guide pupils to make connections between different aspects of learning. In English, pupils are encouraged to bring together their learning of reading, grammar and writing. They read a wide range of ambitious texts.

As a result, pupils not only understand sophisticated language but use words such as 'coax, entangle, deportment' and 'clutched' in their own work. Pupils are taught how to craft and edit their writing and produce work of a high quality in all subjects.

Pupils routinely reflect on their own learning.

Consequently pupils, including those with SEND, make exceptional progress. Teachers have strong subject expertise and routinely check pupils' knowledge is firmly embedded. Teachers think carefully about the topics they teach to engage pupils.

For example, in history pupils learn about the Indus Valley in addition to other ancient civilisations and in music, pupils study an array of musicians, including Ravi Shankar.

A love of reading is evident in the school and pupils gain fluency quickly. Staff use the phonics programme successfully for those who need additional support.

These pupils are identified quickly. Any intervention and support given to pupils is timely and effective. Pupils with SEND are almost always fully included in ambitious learning within the classroom.

Leaders plan considerable enrichment opportunities to deepen pupils' understanding. Pupils go to local parks to complete artwork, visit local libraries, farms, museums, Mountfitchet Castle and go on residential trips. Provision for pupils' personal development is exceptional.

A wide range of clubs is provided, including chess, yoga, dodgeball, creative technology and a very active choir. Pupils take roles of responsibility and leadership in the eco-team, become history ambassadors, music prefects, class reps and sports captains. Their work is evident around the school, and they are rightly proud of the contributions they make.

The school has a strong personal, social, health and economic education curriculum and pupils are prepared well for life in modern Britian. Pupils are taught how to stay healthy and how to keep themselves safe, including online.

Pupils are highly motivated to learn in class and behave impeccably across the school site, even when exciting events occur, such as World Book Day or when visitors deliver talks.

Pupils are courteous and kind. They live the values of the school and see the school as a 'home from home'. Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school.

They feel the school communicates well and they are regularly invited in for coffee mornings, workshops and to take part in activities. This close relationship between families and the school, creates a nurturing community and ensures pupils' attendance is high.

Leaders and governors are determined that all pupils succeed and flourish.

Staff are dedicated to the school and feel valued. Leaders provide high-quality professional development and create a culture of high ambition.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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