Terrington St Clement Community School

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About Terrington St Clement Community School

Name Terrington St Clement Community School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Amanda Conner
Address 72 Churchgate Way, Terrington St Clement, Kings Lynn, PE34 4LZ
Phone Number 01553828348
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 351
Local Authority Norfolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The headteacher is determined and ambitious that all pupils receive the best education. Her strong leadership sets clear expectations for all the staff to follow.

Leaders have an accurate view of the quality of teaching. They provide feedback that is clear and precise, helping to support staff to improve. Governors are a significant strength of the school.

They scrutinise information carefully and ask incisive questions to hold school leaders to account. Pupils behave extremely well. They are highly respectful of and sensitive to each other's needs.

Pupils are confident and keen to do well in their learning. Teachers plan interes...ting activities that engage pupils in their learning. Teachers ask good questions, encouraging pupils to explain their answers.

This helps to check pupils' understanding. Phonics is taught well. This ensures that pupils make a good start with their reading and writing because they know the sounds that letters make.

The curriculum is broad and balanced. Pupils study a wide range of subjects that are well planned. As a result, pupils develop new skills.

Children make a good start in the early years. The calm and welcoming environment helps them settle quickly. Adults know the children well, enabling them to make good progress from their starting points.

Pupils make consistently good progress, especially in writing and mathematics. An increasing proportion of pupils are working at age-related expectations across the school. Assessment information is used effectively to check the progress of disadvantaged pupils and pupils who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities.

This means that they make strong gains from their starting points. Standards in reading at the end of key stage 2 are below the national averages. Too few pupils attain the expected standard.

Senior leaders are developing the roles of middle leaders following staffing changes. Middle leaders are starting to contribute to school improvement but do not have a firm grasp of how well pupils progress in all subjects. Some teachers do not make effective use of their assessments to move pupils swiftly on in their learning.

Information about this school

The school is larger than the average-sized primary school. Most pupils are of White British heritage. The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is lower than in the average primary school.

The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is broadly in line with the national average. The proportion of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is above the national average. The proportion of pupils with an education, health and care plan is below the national average.

The school has a specialist resource centre that provides for Reception and key stage 1 pupils who have speech, language and communication difficulties. This is known as LIFT (Language Integrated Facility at Terrington). Pupils are referred to the resource centre from other schools by the local authority.

Also at this postcode
St Clement’s High School St Michael’s Family Centre (St Clements Site)

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