Woodland View Primary School

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About Woodland View Primary School

Name Woodland View Primary School
Website http://www.wvps.northants.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Mark Horsley
Address School Lane, Grange Park, Northampton, NN4 5FZ
Phone Number 01604765037
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 401
Local Authority West Northamptonshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive in this exceptional school. The school is ambitious in its vision and provision.

Highest expectations are set for learning and behaviour. Pupils consistently meet these high expectations. Staff and pupils embrace and live the school's values of 'respect, kindness, courage, honesty, cooperation and creativity'.

Pupils are enthusiastic and passionate about their school. They are wonderful school ambassadors. They are safe, happy and want to be at school.

Staff help pupils recognise their feelings and emotions. Pupils know the importance of the school's 'blue butterfly' safeguarding symbol. They know how to share with a trusted adult.

Pupi...ls have countless opportunities to engage with a wide range of experiences. These include musical, sporting, learning and creative opportunities. The annual 'soiree' celebrates pupils' many performing arts skills and talents.

Pupils are very proud of their leadership roles, for example as recycling monitors, computing technicians and subject ambassadors.

Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the school. One parent, echoing the views of many, stated: 'This is a fantastic school.

It offers a wide range of activities outside the curriculum. It has a fantastic range of facilities. The staff are friendly and professional.

I couldn't be happier with this school.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Woodland View Primary School is a beacon of excellence.

The school has designed an ambitious and inclusive curriculum which puts pupils' learning at its heart.

Staff enable pupils to learn the right knowledge and skills at the right time. Teachers know how to teach the curriculum exceptionally well. They check that pupils meet their high expectations for learning.

Pupils secure the knowledge they need to succeed. They recall their learning in depth. They skilfully connect learning across the curriculum.

Staff are exacting in their provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff enable these pupils to access the same curriculum as their peers. Provision for pupils in the Ladybird classroom is remarkable.

There are no ceilings on what staff expect these pupils to achieve. Pupils with SEND achieve very well.

Pupils get off to a robust start in learning how to read.

They learn to become fluent in reading. They deepen their understanding of text and strengthen their writing skills. An abundance of books serves to engage pupils in developing a love of reading.

Pupils who speak English as an additional language quickly learn to speak, read and write English. They access the same curriculum as their peers and make strong progress across the curriculum.

Children get off to an excellent start in Reception.

The ambitious curriculum enables children to learn very well. Staff focus strongly on developing children's vocabulary, speech, language and communication. Staff care, nurture and support children's personal, social and emotional development.

Children have meaningful opportunities to learn through play. Adults' interactions with children are engaging and purposeful.

Pupils' positive relationships are striking.

Staff foster respectful and courteous attitudes. Pupils engage well in lessons and relish learning. At breaktimes, pupils look after each other.

They play and engage in a range of activities in the library, creativity cabin, woodland workshop and sports facilities. On the rare occasion that pupils need help with their behaviour, staff support them to consider how to make amends and learn from their mistakes. Most pupils are rarely absent.

Opportunities for pupils' personal development are outstanding. The curriculum for personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is well planned and carefully sequenced. Pupils build their knowledge of how to keep healthy and lead safe lives.

The school prepares pupils for current and later life. Pupils are nurtured to be responsible British citizens. They develop a deep understanding of equality and diversity and the importance of actively respecting and celebrating difference.

They show a deep appreciation of other cultures, faiths, types of families and relationships.

Pupils are exposed to experiences that identify and develop their personal interests and talents. The school provides explicit opportunities to support pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, as celebrated in pupils' newsletter 'The Woodland Times'.

Pupils gain an appreciation of the world of work through 'employee of the future' activities.

Trustees, the headteacher, leaders and staff take pride in serving their pupils and the local community. Staff are unified by, and embody, the school's motto, 'inspire, enjoy, achieve', in everything that they do.

Leaders have remarkably high expectations. They continually strive to build on the school's provision. They address barriers and raise aspirations.

They do so with dedication and humility. Much of the school's provision is worthy of sharing with others.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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