Yavneh College

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About Yavneh College

Name Yavneh College
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mr Spencer Lewis
Address Hillside Avenue, Borehamwood, WD6 1HL
Phone Number 02087365580
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Jewish
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1071
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive within this tight-knit community. They are well equipped as young adults to enter the world ready to work towards the school's vision of 'a world built on kindness'.

Pupils demonstrate the school's values, such as 'yedidya' (friendship), by volunteering to help at school and in local community groups. For example, pupils in Project Smile send gifts and cards, extending their warm wishes to vulnerable members of the local community. Students in the sixth form model the school's values impeccably.

They demonstrate the best of what the school seeks to achieve.

Pupils realise the school's high expectations. They achieve impressive examination result...s.

Pupils are articulate and contribute many positive insights during class discussions. Students in the sixth form demonstrate exceptional sophistication when tackling complex concepts. They approach levels of scholarship usually found at degree-level studies.

Pupils behave well at school. In lessons, they focus on learning and work diligently. Social times are pleasant occasions during which pupils enjoy each other's company.

Pupils are safe at school. They feel confident that staff are vigilant to risks and signs of potential harm. Staff forge effective partnerships with parents and external agencies to keep pupils safe.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has an ambitious and thoroughly planned curriculum. Leaders provide staff with precise guidance about what pupils should know and understand. Teachers deliver the curriculum effectively using their expert subject knowledge and research-informed approaches to teaching.

Teachers check that pupils know and understand what has been taught. When necessary, teachers swiftly provide effective support so that pupils do not fall behind. This helps pupils to learn the curriculum well and achieve high results in national examinations.

Leaders have planned the knowledge and skills within the sixth-form curriculum exceptionally well. Students deftly use knowledge learned in one subject to consider issues in another.

The school has been developing its approach to the teaching of reading.

This is making a positive difference for many pupils. The school is currently building its provision for pupils at earlier stages of learning to read. These pupils receive helpful one-to-one support outside of lessons to learn the basics of reading.

However, some teachers do not match texts to pupils' reading abilities with precision. As a result, these pupils do not access the curriculum independently.

Many pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) learn and achieve remarkably well.

However, the school is experiencing a growing number of pupils with SEND with needs not previously experienced at the school. In response, leaders have focused training on improving the way teachers support these pupils. There is more work to do.

As a result, on occasion, learning activities and resources are not as effective as they could be. Students with SEND in the sixth form do remarkably well. The finely tuned support they receive helps them to achieve the highest possible results and make positive next steps.

Pupils behave well at school. They understand the school's expectations and live up to them. Pupils benefit from the school's calm learning environment.

On the rare occasion when pupils engage in unacceptable behaviour, teachers ensure that it stops and does not reoccur.

At the heart of the school's curriculum is the commitment towards pupils' personal development. Leaders have precisely planned each subject to be enriching and relevant within contemporary society.

Pupils are taught about and given opportunities to engage with the different lifestyles and beliefs in modern Britain. The pupil-led Kavod (Respect) Committee contributes towards the school's respectful ethos. Pupils show remarkable understanding and sensitivity towards the differences of others.

Pupils learn the value of 'chesed' (kindness) while assuming leadership positions and taking responsibility for themselves and others.

Sixth-form students are well prepared and have the skills and values needed to be strong leaders in whatever fields they choose to pursue. At school, they contribute towards what teachers know about their teaching by observing lessons and providing helpful feedback for teachers.

The school's provision for careers widens pupils' horizons and prepares them well for their next steps in education. Pupils benefit from well-planned work experience. Students in the sixth form gain a great deal of insight about career options from the school's alumni-supported mentor scheme.

Governors and trustees have an accurate view of the quality of the school's provision. When necessary, they challenge leaders and hold them to account.

Parents and staff are positive about the quality of leadership at the school.

Leaders, governors and trustees have built strong partnerships with parents and staff to support the school's development over time. Staff appreciate leaders' positive approach in supporting staff well-being and maintaining reasonable workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Occasionally, staff do not support pupils with SEND effectively. When this happens, staff do not provide learning activities that enable these pupils to learn the curriculum as well as they could. The school must continue training staff so that they consistently arrange learning opportunities that meet the needs of pupils with SEND.

• Some staff do not routinely provide weaker readers with texts that match their reading abilities. Consequently, these pupils do not receive sufficient practice to master what they find difficult. Staff should receive support to be able to provide texts that match pupils' reading abilities so all pupils learn to read well.

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